Everybody Lies

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The 3 F's

If you want to know about creative first read Ogilvy on Advertising. Then read Peter Mayle - who also wrote 'Year in Provence' & Wicked Willie. All I can add to their fine words is the following;

3 F's - New clients should be fun, or make you a fortune or make your agency famous

And another 3 F's - Good, Cheap, Fast. Clients can have 2 of the 3

Stole the first 3 from Dr.Zekely - a man who looked like Picasso & spoke like Donald Duck. The second rule I stole from an eccentric Brit in Kyiv/Kiev

Other rules that I remember (education is what you remember after leaving school)

Be consistent...but never the same
Make complicated things simple...& simple things complicated (that is media)
And know something about everything...& everything about something

Finally some wise words from Mr.Bernbach. 'We don't ask research to do what it was never meant to do & that is to get an idea'

I think he also said that we spend too long looking at research & forget that we can change the results...