Everybody Lies

Monday, April 27, 2009

TV, TV....& more TV

I used to work for United International Pictures. They represented Paramount, Universal & MGM Studios in Europe.

Whenever we got a brief for a Spielberg picture the strategy was clear. Use TV....TV...& if there was any budget left buy more TV.

The Spielberg family was originally from Odessa in Ukraine. And young Steven has a better instinct than most for which media will put bums on seats in cinemas. He has a vision....Television.

Why is TV so powerful...?

The Wrigley website used to contain the following quote;

'The lion’s share of our advertising is given to television…it’s the best way to reach a tremendous audience at the lowest possible cost'

Other media acknowledge the power of the black box when they use Television. When newspapers, magazines & radio want more people to read & listen to their products which media do they choose...?


Media/Marketing people often make the mistake of selecting media which they like. This is irrelevant. We should use media which works to sell products not media which the consumer prefers. Nobody 'likes' posters...but they shift product.

Personally I read magazines, love the Radio & frequently visit the cinema. But when I want to sell more beer, yoghurt or cars I choose TV.