Everybody Lies

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

CPP = Cost per Penguin

The best idea I never had. When I was Media Director in Poland a colleague went to "Blue Sky" Brainstorm with Danone.

She pointed out that Coke had sponsored the Polar Bear at Warsaw zoo, Nestle had sponsored the Lion but that there were no Penguins for Danone to sponsor. Penguins suited Danone as they had a wee Pingu on their kids yoghurt. Un-fort-un-at-ely the Penguin enclosure was empty as they had all gone from some kind of Bird Flu (sp. flew..?)

So Malgosia suggested that we bring the Penguins back to Warsaw. Danone being French & with a barmy Brit in charge were slightly crazier than us & agreed. We now had a problem...what is the cost per penguin? I called Edinburgh zoo which has the largest Penguin collection in Europe. As I recall I was met with a polite but firm response, "Do you think we're a fucking pet shop."

Eventually we got some Penguins from Gdansk zoo. And we got lots of free PR as the combination of Penguins & Children got even the most cynical journalists interested. To my eternal shame I didn't even go to the opening ceremony. So the greatest media idea in my career wasn't my idea, I didn't help much & I missed the party.

The cost per Penguin? c.$300 which was the same at the CPP on TV in Poland at the time.