Everybody Lies

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Russia = Oil = Economy = TV Price


So the Economy drives the price of TV. And the Oil price drives the economy. To predict the future price of TV all we have to do is understand where the Oil price is going & extrapolate the data. The Economist should have the answers

November 6th 2008 - 'back to $147'
November 19th 2008 - '$75 a barrel'
December 4th 2008 - 'Deutsche Bank sees prices falling as low as $35'
January 19th 2009 - 'our forecast $35'

And 10 years earlier - 'We may be heading for $5'

So that's easy then, anywhere between $5....&...$147

What we do know is that Russia & other ex-communist countries will continue to grow. The only way is up. The question is how far & how fast.