In the last 10 years TV has got better than Cinema. Not as an advertising medium but as a cultural phenomenon.
Apart from Slumdog Millionaire there have been few films in the last decade that have made a major impact. Harry Potter & Lord of the Rings don't count as they were bestselling books first.
Cinema is limited to the 2 hour format - plus or minus 30 minutes. TV though has hours & years to develop character & plot. Think of the best writing recently & it's been mostly TV.
The Simpsons
Sex & the City
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The Wire
ER, Grey's Anatomy & House
The Sopranos
Will & Grace
Etc etc.
Mostly American but even Britain has contributed with The Office & Cold Feet.
Just when the internet & DVD threatened to kill TV as a cultural force it re-invented itself. HBO in particular thanks to it's subscriber service was able to produce shows with a darker heart. Movies are like parachutes - if they don't open, you're dead. TV shows can take risks that the economics of Hollywood doesn't allow. Happy endings are a must & you can never kill the lead character in case a sequel is required.
So TV remains the best medium for advertisers & also the most important Art form. Not bad for a 70 year old.