Everybody Lies

Friday, July 20, 2012

Shouty Crackers

I heard a great observation about the difference between boys & girls recently.

Men say rude things to each other that they don't really mean. Whereas women say nice things to each other...that they don't really mean. 

This was particularly noticeable in Warsaw where the Poles shared the British facility for swearing & our ironic sense of humour. Despite enduring three hellish years of rapid growth combined with insane clients, inexperienced staff while preparing the agency for an IPO I only went Shouty Crackers once. This was because the stress was relieved by continuous profanity & frequent laughter.

 The time I went bananas was when a new account director started hassling me over our service for Mito Chanalo at Polgate Calmolive. I had christened this delightful lady Splash as she was blessed with a sharp squeaky voice that could break televisions. When she began to squawk at me I slammed my directors door & used the pathetic phrase "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM...."

She started to cry.

And between her tears she sobbed the classic phrase; "You... are... rude... to... everyone... but... you.... are...never...rude...to...me"