Everybody Lies

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Mirror Image Moscow

Two female twins in swimwear.

We had two major clients in Moscow... Unilever & Nestle

They make similar products

Similar average ice cream

The same sugary drinks

The same stock cubes

Similar stock market value

Their offices were even in the same part of Moscow

Some days we had a meeting with one in the morning.... & the other in the afternoon

Must have been 1999... when a sister appeared a Riverside Towers schlepping Magnum & her doppelgänger arrived at Paveletskaya flogging Maggi

Both companies were tardy about meeting times... so we'd loiter in their reception.  I'd take The Economist... Kirill probably had War & Peace or some similar slim Slavic literature

I mentioned to KK the coincidence of the twins at twin companies... he didn't think it remarkable

I used repetition to make my point until he twigged... The fantasy of the facsimile... copulation with copies