The amazing Nina was always doing three things at once... Harlequin romance, the Financial Times, property investment... sometimes she even came to 101a for little light management
There was a great line in an interview with her in 1996... 'the meeting is interrupted while Nina tries to work out which one of her three mobiles is ringing'
Anyway... one warm summer evening Nina had organised an FT event at Belwedere... all the stars of Warszawa society were there... Mann i Materna maybe... Michnik possibly... Mike Murphy naturally ... & that's just the M&Ms.. Krzyśtof Quentin of course... the usual peacocks
... & to mark the occasion NKM even had the FT balloon... a Montgolfier moment was about to lift our spirits ... to reach for the sky... a lot of hot air was going to be wasted
But the damn thing wouldn't go up... I don't know the specifics, wrong brother ~ but I believe these contraptions work best in Spring & Fall... when the evening air is cold... & the heat allows them to elevate easily
Mike & I couldn't help notice ... that lying all pink & flaccid on the grass ... the poor balloon resembled a used condom.,,. some newspapers are tomorrow's fish & chip wrapping ... this one had been somewhere less savoury...